T H I S W E B S I T E I S A W O R K I N P R O G R E S S. I A M N E W T O H T M L S O I T S A L I T T L E B L A N D A T T H E M O M E N T.


hi im writing this because i dont have anything elses to do so enjoy my amazing skills gifted to me by a small ginger cat

welcome, thankyou for visiting.

stuff i like

This site is really cool

so this website is just what it's called, a bunch of people that don't exist. Whats interesting about it is that all the people have to same basic facial structure. just look a the positions of their noses and eyes. and like they have different eye colors and skin tones but their faces are all structured the same. I just thought it was interesting.


I'm the only one, on your amam radio

lawnmower (revitupgoodnow) lawnmower (listentothesound) lawnmower rev it up take it on down take it all around town


im so tall, cant get over me. im so low, cant get under me



na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

blink 182

isnt it weird that hands exist. hands are just so weird like grabber-crane things on the end of your arms and like its just weird how they move and jus like exist. little arm claws. just creepy. also chickens can live 18 months withput their heads. well, mike the headless chicken could. (april 20th, 1945 – march 17th, 1947) all reading must participate in a moment of silence for mike. you'd better have done it.